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Motivated Women Finding Success And Time Freedom!

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Kristine Bene

HI I'M KRISTINE, and this is my family. I'm proud to say that I finally found a business that aligns with what they say and has offered me true lifestyle and financial independence for 7 years running.

We are a young family of five adventuring the world and residing in the beautiful Okanagan Valley; Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. 

Fast forward to 2017 when I was a pregnant bartender by night and a professional Physiotherapy Pilates Teacher by day. I was running an Airbnb out of my house and trying every angle to get myself to the next level. I was running out of time in the day to complete all I was set out for.

I was determined to succeed and started to look at "out of the box" ideas to get a different result. That's when I found this online business.  It was amazing the synchronicity that aligned with my values and prided itself on training the mind to get the result.  We are the co-creators of our paths but need to learn how to do it first.

To create an extraordinary life filled with choices. 

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Our products have directly impacted well over 100,000 customers in 132 countries around the world and counting!

Over 127,000 lives impacted

A proven track record

This business system was developed over 10 years ago & embodies a global community of like minded men and woman who are passionate about assisting individuals with the teachings of our proven business system and Personal Growth principles. 

We were recently in Africa in May and went on 7 Safaris. We saw the big five including white Rhinos (with tusks) in the back ground.

recently took my dad on a tour of The Greek Islands and spent a week in Venice. Financial freedom opens up many doors!

I've been traveling the world with these ladies; my business associates for over 7 years. We meet up in luxurious places twice a year!  This was in May 2023 in South Africa!

This is how we cruised around South East Asia in 2019 with our two oldest 3 years and 1 years old. I figured since we started an online business we may as well travel.

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THE PROBLEM THAT LED ME HERE:  I have always been a HARD worker, having up to three jobs at a time. They were all high paying jobs, but I had "BIG" dreams for myself to build a certain travel lifestyle filled with options and I have always wanted the opportunity to help women see their worth. I had my daughter Lily and kept up my busy work schedule but then I was pregnant again before she was 1 yrs old and I knew there was no way I could be the mother to two babies that I wanted to be at the work pace that I was used to.

THE BUSINESS' BEFORE THAT PROMISED FORTUNE: Over the years I have been interested in business' that have leveraged income. I am keen to new opportunities that are working for others like investments, properties and stocks. I have started 4 multilevel organizations but they were too time consuming and required a lot of effort around a full time job.  I also considered opening my own Pilates studio but I knew my business would own me and my time.

THE BOOK THAT LED ME TO SUCCESS:  I've been an avid reader of Personal Development since I was 23 years old. It started with the Success Principals, Born Rich, Power Of Intention and countless others since. I know that my mind and intentions are the way to get me to where I want to go. I feel like Personal growth is the magic dust to life. I have big plans for myself and my family and am not settling for less!

THE BUSINESS THAT WAS A BOOM: The business that I was led to that day, over 7 years ago now, is the business that I still run today. Representing award winning Personal Development products.  Tapping into a global economy and connecting with clients from Canada to Australia and everything in between. I'm privileged to work with incredible entrepreneurs who are supportive, talented and simply the best in their field. 

 If you're looking for a way to be rewarded for your action and efforts. If you have some get up and go and some energy to devote to a new venture, then reach out to me today. 

 "I was determined to succeed and started to look at "out of the box" ideas to get a different result. That's when I found this online business.  It was amazing the synchronicity that aligned with my values and prided itself on training the mind to get the result."

~ Kristine Bene 

Here is my story to online success!

"I was a stressed out, burnt out teacher in a tremendous amount of debt. I was searching for a way to achieve more time freedom while still earning a good income. These days I get to work from home around my two kids and have earned more in a month than I used to earn in an entire year in my teaching profession."- Lise Reitsma, BC Canada

Lise Rietsma

"I was looking for an opportunity to create more time and money whilst working from home, around my life as a dad to a blended family of 5. We longed for greater success and financial freedom. I found success early here, in my first 6 months of business I was profitable and self sustaining. I'm grateful for the opportunity and love what I do. 

Simon Haggard